However, recent research suggests that effective warning design depends as much on the contents of the viewer's head as on the contents of the warning's message,' he explained. 'For many years, designers focused their concern on sensory aspects of warnings: color, shape, location, pictures vs. They can either go unnoticed or, more often than not, they are seen but ignored by the viewer. According to him, warning signs often fail to change people's behavior. Marc Green, Ph.D., is a human factor expert who has extensive experience in perception, attention, human factors, and related areas. I mean, it's better to be safe than sorry, but who really wants to be told to watch out for falling deer? How often does that really happen?
Perhaps you think the sign is scarier than the danger itself. A real treasure of funny signs We give fast service no matter how long it takes Hilarious signs from the service shops industry. Maybe you're an adrenaline junkie looking for new adventures every chance you get. It's dangerous and embarrassing if you get caught between the doors Example of silly signs: A funny warning sign posted on a train. As we’ve seen before there seems to always be a story behind the need for. All created by people who love their job, also by people who maybe hate their job, and people with a wicked sense of humour. From honest yard sale signs to crazy fast food joints. Yet, there seem to be many factors that can make people disregard even the most frightening messages. Let’s take a look at some hilarious signs that have been spotted from around the world.